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Coronavirus UpdatesHeading 1


We were very happy to be able to safely re-open again on Monday 17th May.



New COVID safe procedures at The Tree


In addition to the general guidance for keeping safe during these unusual times with excellent hygiene and social distancing we have now implemented new procedures in light of the requirements for our setting which are unique to us as we offer many services.


We will send out an information sheet to guests in advance of the retreat to help with smooth running on arrival.


We may have to alter and adjust as time goes on but for now these are just a few of the many things we will be introducing to ensure that we are as prepared as we can possibly be so that you can be confident that everything that has been possible has been done for your safety:



Prior to Arrival


  • Guests will be asked before arrival to remain at home if they have any symptoms of the virus, or who are living with anyone with the virus or self -isolating.

  • If you have symptoms you will not be allowed to attend the retreat.

  • We will be asking all our guests to provide us with a contact phone number – so if coming with friends we will need all the numbers not just the lead guest – this is to help with the track and trace should a guest become poorly after leaving.

  • Bedrooms and all guest areas are cleaned and sanitised to the highest standard including “machine fogging” with safe anti-viral solution.

  • The retreats will be smaller than usual in order to enable the required social distancing.

  • We are only able to book people in with observance of the tier restrictions for our area and from the area guests live ..

  • Hand soap and shower gel will be available but guests might prefer to bring their own soap and/hand gel should they so wish.

  • Rooms will have anti bacterial spray available to be used by guests.


On Arrival


  • All of our staff will be smiling through their rainbow visors to welcome you warmly to our Retreat Centre

  • We may take temperatures on arrival, simply with an infra -red gun just to be on the safe side.

  • An entry and exit route will be demarcated to ease congestion on stairs. (Entrance through the dowstairs porch).

  • An entry and exit route will be demarcated to ease congestion on stairs etc.

  • Entry is through porch, exit is through door to roadside.

  • Staff will wear PPE as necessary to keep themselves and everyone safe

  • Signage will be around the Tree and The Chapel to help people to navigate the new arrangements.




  • We request guests to wash and sanitise hands regularly throughout the day and maintain social distance. Masks may be worn should you so wish.

  • ​Hand sanitisers will be around The Tree and the Chapel to be used on entry to the different spaces.

  • Should a guest become ill or show symptoms of Covid 19 whilst staying here we would require them to let us know immediately by phoning from their room, self -isolate and then we can make the necessary arrangements.

  • Surfaces and handles will be cleaned frequently by staff.

  • Face coverings to be worn in corridors and communal areas.


Meal times


  • We will be spacing guests at the dinner tables to comply with social distancing and we may use screens to help with this.

  • Both buildings may need to be used for mealtimes and we will have 3 lounges available to guests.

  • Guests will be allocated a table and a seating plan will be drawn up to reflect the composition of the group.

  • Breakfast orders will be taken the night before and served individually.

  • There will be no buffet/self service meals available. All will be served directly to your place.




  • We may have to restrict numbers of guests in hot tub etc and perhaps book slots to allow for cleaning surfaces in between though the water in the hot tub will be safe due to normal sanitising measures.

  • Depending on demand our therapists may well be available and we are so pleased to be seeing them again.

  • The variety of treatments may alter from what we have previously been able to offer. Extra time will be allocated between treatments for cleaning.


In the Studio


  • All yoga/ meditation equipment is provided and this should limit the amount of items being brought into The Tree or Chapel from outside.

  • All the equipment will be cleaned regularly

  • The studio will be well ventilated and mats positioned to maximize social distancing

  • Guests will be required to stay on the same mat each session for the duration of the retreat and there will be cleaning spray available.

  • Guests are welcome to wear masks at any time if it helps them to feel relaxed about the sessions.


On departure


  • Payments will be contactless as much as possible


After your retreat


  • We are asking guests to let us know should they become ill after the retreat so that we can phone people who they may have come into contact with when staying with us.


We are doing our absolute best to confirm to the new Government guidelines and have undertaken risk assessments which we have shared with our staff.


We look forward to welcoming you to The Tree and are excited to be able to meet our guests again !






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